Farscape (The Complete Series)

Farscape (The Complete Series) Season 1 Episodes

Find out how to watch Season 1 of Farscape (The Complete Series) tonight at the American TV Listings Guide

Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Season 1, Episode 1: Premiere

Astronaut John Crichton attempts to use the Earth's atmosphere to propel his module at high speeds but is hit by a radiation wave and is sucked through a wormhole into a distant part of the universe.


Episode 2 - Season 1, Episode 2: Exodus From Genesis

A locator beacon, automatically broadcasting its exact location to any Peacekeeper forces in the area, is discovered inextricably fused into Moya's neural nexus.


Episode 3 - Season 1, Episode 3: Back and Back and Back To the Future

The crew rescues a scientist and his assistant from a disintegrating ship. Crichton starts seeing the future, which holds death for the crew and Moya. He tries to influence the course of events but cannot change the outcome until they all learn what their guests are truly hiding.


Episode 4 - Season 1, Episode 4: Throne For a Loss

Rygel is captured and held for ransom by some bounty hunters. Rygel "borrowed" a crystal from Moya, without the crystal Moya cannot maintain her orbit and will crash into the planet if it isn't returned shortly.


Episode 5 - Season 1, Episode 5: Pk Tech Girl

After finding the legendary Peacekeeper battleship, Zelbinion, dead in space and emptied of most of its useful technologies Crichton, Aeryn, and D'Argo find a Peacekeeper tech under Crais's command, Gilina, who survived a raid on the ship. Under threat of another scavenger attack, they work to get the shield generator on board the Zelbinion working. As they share the work, Gilina and Crichton grow much closer.


Episode 6 - Season 1, Episode 6: Thank God It's Friday, Again

The crew visits a planet full of happy workers. Soon D'Argo and Zhaan start working and refuse to return to the ship. Meanwhile Rygel's body fluids become explosive and Aeryn and Pilot must learn why before Rygel dies.


Episode 7 - Season 1, Episode 7: I, E.T.

A peacekeeper beacon goes off and Moya has to land on an alien planet to prevent its signal being intercepted and Moya being discovered.


Episode 8 - Season 1, Episode 8: That Old Black Magic

Crichton's spirit is captured by Maldis. The sorcerer thrives on vengeance and hate, he brings Crais's spirit down. And the two spirits battle. Zhaan can fight Maldis, but if she fights Maldis, she must take a dark path.


Episode 9 - Season 1, Episode 9: Dna Mad Scientist

A scientist extracts DNA from several of Moya's crew, promising them that with it he would be able to use it to find the location of their home planets. Things get more interesting however when he asks for some of pilot.


Episode 10 - Season 1, Episode 10: They've Got a Secret

During routine searches for Peacekeeper beacons, D'Argo falls down a chute, destroys a Peacekeeper shield and gets ejected into open space.


Episode 11 - Season 1, Episode 11: Til the Blood Runs Clear

While flying Crichton's ship near a sun with high flare activity, John and Aeryn narrowly avoid getting sucked into an unstable wormhole.


Episode 12 - Season 1, Episode 12: The Flax

Aeryn takes Crichton out in a transport pod for flying lessons but unfortunately they get stuck in the Flax, a space trap.


Episode 13 - Season 1, Episode 13: Rhapsody In Blue

The crew finds a colony of Delvians. Z'han goes down to be with her own people for a while, but one of them wants something from Z'han and will do almost anything to take it from her.


Episode 14 - Season 1, Episode 14: Jeremiah Crichton

Crichton is left behind in Farscape One when Moya suddenly starbursts as a result of her pregnancy.


Episode 15 - Season 1, Episode 15: Durka Returns

When a Starburst goes badly wrong, Moya collides with a Nebari ship. On board is Durka, Rygel's former torturer, who has been mind cleansed and now serves the Nebari.


Episode 16 - Season 1, Episode 16: A Human Reaction

When Moya travels to an unstable wormhole that appears to lead to Earth, Crichton leaves on Farscape One in the hopes of returning home.


Episode 17 - Season 1, Episode 17: Through the Looking Glass

Moya tries to starburst to prove to the crew that she still can. It goes slightly wrong though and she gets stuck in starburst and split into several different dimensions.


Episode 18 - Season 1, Episode 18: A Bug's Life

A peacekeeper ship is approaching Moya, so Crichton and Aeryn pose as peacekeeper officers on a secret mission while everyone else gets locked into cells to make the deception seem realistic.


Episode 19 - Season 1, Episode 19: Nerve

Aeryn has been critically wounded. She needs some tissue samples to heal. The only source is the Secret base the Peacekeeper mentioned. Crichton and Chiana go to the base, to get the samples. They encounter an old friend, and a new enemy.


Episode 20 - Season 1, Episode 20: The Hidden Memory

Scorpius attempts to extract the wormhole technology from Crichton's mind, while Aeryn mounts a rescue operation. Crais finds himself at Scorpius' mercy, and Moya gives birth.


Episode 21 - Season 1, Episode 21: Bone To Be Wild

The crew find a planetoid that's a botanical paradise. Occupied by a scientist and a peaceful girl. But one is a killer. And there's more to this paradise than they realized. One of them wants Z'han for their own agenda.


Episode 22 - Season 1, Episode 22: Family Ties

With death approaching in the form of Peacekeeper search parties, those aboard Moya say their final goodbyes, and share a last feast together, before enacting a plan to save Moya and her baby, named Talyn.


Episode 23 - Season 2, Episode 1: Mind the Baby

Crichton, Aeryn and D'argo are stranded in an asteroid field while Scorpius searches for them. Their safety depends on Crais, who is nearby in Talyn.


Episode 24 - Season 2, Episode 2: Vitas Mortis

D'Argo takes part in a sacred ritual that helps an old Luxan, an Orican, to survive. During the ritual the Orican draws energy from who she thinks is D'Argo but is actually Moya. Consequently Moya starts to age rapidly.


Episode 25 - Season 2, Episode 3: Taking the Stone

Chiana leaves Moya and goes to 'grave planet' populated by reckless thrill seekers who play dangerous and life threatening games.


Episode 26 - Season 2, Episode 4: Crackers Don't Matter

A visitor comes on Moya with a device that could cloak Moya. The crew welcomes him on board, but soon almost everyone is acting paranoid, and the crew starts attacking each other.


Episode 27 - Season 2, Episode 5: The Way We Weren't

Chiana discovers a recording with Moya's original Pilot. After seeing the recording and realizing Aeryn was involved, Pilot orders Aeryn to leave Moya.


Episode 28 - Season 2, Episode 6: Picture If You Will

Chiana buys a picture in a store, which is more than it seems. The picture is changes and shows Chiana what will happen to her, when it shows she is on fire, the crew must discover the origins of the picture, and find an old enemy.


Episode 29 - Season 2, Episode 7: Home On the Remains

The crew needs food. Zhaan needs to eat meat and starts spewing spores. Only Aeryn seems to have a tolerance for the spores. While she's on Moya with Zhaan, the others find a Budong to get some food.


Episode 30 - Season 2, Episode 8: Dream a Little Dream

While waiting for Moya to pick their Transport Pod, Zhaan tells Crichton of Moya's adventures after the Gammak base was destroyed. Zhaan was on trial for murder, with Chiana and Rygel acting as her defense lawyers.


Episode 31 - Season 2, Episode 9: Out of Their Minds

An alien ship fires a weapon at Moya. Although the energy shield is active, some of the blast makes it through and causes everyone's consciousness to jump into another body.


Episode 32 - Season 2, Episode 10: My Three Crichtons

A strange globe appears on Moya, sucking in Crichton and duplicating him creating two additional people. One who is a de-evolved 'cave man' and another who has increased mental ability.


Episode 33 - Season 2, Episode 11: Look At the Princess, Pt. 1: A Kiss Is but a Kiss

Look at the Princess finds Crichton, Aeryn, Rygel, D'Argo, and Chiana on a planet about to crown their new monarch. The problem is, the Princess Katralla, cannot ascend unless she finds a mate genetically compatible to her poisoned DNA.


Episode 34 - Season 2, Episode 12: Look At the Princess, Pt. 2: I Do, I Think

The Queen offers Crichton a choice; marry her daughter the crown princess, or she'll turn him over to Scorpius.


Episode 35 - Season 2, Episode 13: Look At the Princess, Pt. 3: The Maltese Crichton

John Crichton faces eighty years as a statue. That is, until the Scarran Cargn decapitates the statue and drops the head into a vat of acid.


Episode 36 - Season 2, Episode 14: Beware of Dog

The crew bring aboard an alien tracker to remove some creatures that came aboard hidden in some cargo.


Episode 37 - Season 2, Episode 15: Won't Get Fooled Again

Crichton has returned to Earth. Or has he always been on Earth all this time? People from his past and present appear. Is this some trick? If so, who is behind it and why?


Episode 38 - Season 2, Episode 16: The Locket

A temporal distortion traps Aeryn and John on a planet's surface, where they live out the rest of their lives - while Moya remains trapped in orbit, experiencing only hours. Stark returns to the ship with news of D'Argo's son.


Episode 39 - Season 2, Episode 17: The Ugly Truth

Crais and Talyn return. The crew are put on trial for an attack that Talyn made on an alien ship.


Episode 40 - Season 2, Episode 18: A Clockwork Nebari

A Nebari group come aboard Moya and attempt to mind cleanse everyone using a drug. Pilot and Rygel are the only two who can resist the effects. Crichton also remains unaffected due to Scorpius' neural clone.


Episode 41 - Season 2, Episode 19: Liars, Guns and Money, Pt. 1: A Not So Simple Plan

D'Argo finally gets a lead on his son, Jothee. He will do anything to get him back, but Jothee will be sold as a slave. They need a lot of money to buy Jothee's freedom. The crew will steal from a depository to get the money they need to free Jothee. Stark, back from the dead, is the author of the plan.


Episode 42 - Season 2, Episode 20: Liars, Guns and Money, Pt. 2: With Friends Like These

With the loot from the Depository heist at hand, D'Argo anxiously waits to make contact with the Slave Traders.


Episode 43 - Season 2, Episode 21: Liars, Guns and Money, Pt. 3: Plan B

The crew is going to break into the depository to free Crichton. Crichton is being tortured for wormhole technology. Nothing is going like planned with those mercenaries but unexpected arrival of Talyn helps them to break free. They get rid of Scorpius but their losses are too big, among which Crichton's sanity.


Episode 44 - Season 2, Episode 22: Die Me, Dichotomy

Wealthy from their bank heist, Moya's crew heads straight for an ice planet to meet with Diagnosan Tocot, a famous surgeon whom they hope can heal Moya's burns as well as remove Scorpius' neural chip from Crichton's brain.


Episode 45 - Season 3, Episode 1: Season of Death

D'Argo and Stark try to heal John, left with his head open on an operating table, while Scorpius attempts to avoid discovery. Zhaan makes a great personal sacrifice, while Jothee and Chiana commit an indiscretion.


Episode 46 - Season 3, Episode 2: Suns and Lovers

Moya docks at a commerce station so the crew can spend some of the money they acquired from the depository. Disaster strikes however when the station is hit by a storm.


Episode 47 - Season 3, Episode 3: Self Inflicted Wounds, Pt. 1: Could'a, Would'a, Should'A

Moya approaches a wormhole, gets pulled in and fused to another ship.


Episode 48 - Season 3, Episode 4: Self Inflicted Wounds, Pt. 2: Wait for the Wheel

The crew work out a way of getting free from the other ship and out of the wormhole. Things become more complicated when their new 'friends' begin to sabotage Moya and Crichton picks up a transmission from Earth.


Episode 49 - Season 3, Episode 5: Different Destinations

Stark accidentally sends himself, Crichton, Aeryn. D'Argo and Jool back in time where they alter the timeline and are forced to interfere further to restore it.


Episode 50 - Season 3, Episode 6: Eat Me

In need of supplies, Crichton lands his transport pod on a dying leviathan which is full of hungry cannibals and a scientist who has the ability to create clones.


Episode 51 - Season 3, Episode 7: Thanks for Sharing

Moya rendezvous with Talyn who is seriously damaged. They hide in the atmosphere of a planet to prevent the Peacekeepers from finding them. D'Argo and Rygel go down to the planet to find some Clorium, a drug that will help Talyn recover.


Episode 52 - Season 3, Episode 8: Green Eyed Monster

Talyn is swallowed by a boodong, leaving Stark and Rygel stranded in a transport pod.


Episode 53 - Season 3, Episode 9: Losing Time

The crew of Moya start blacking out and missing portions of time. Pilot becomes inhabited by another entity who needs to 'taste' each crew member to determine if they too are being inhabited.


Episode 54 - Season 3, Episode 10: Relativity

Talyn lands on a planet covered mostly with vegetation that will help him to heal. Crichton, Aeryn and Crais leave the ship in search of Xhalax.


Episode 55 - Season 3, Episode 11: Incubator

Scorpius puts the neural chip into his own brain in an attempt to retrieve vital wormhole equations from Crichton.


Episode 56 - Season 3, Episode 12: Meltdown

Talyn gets the urge to fly into a sun. While in its vicinity Stark is contacted by an alien woman who is being held against her will.


Episode 57 - Season 3, Episode 13: Scratch N Sniff

Crichton, D'Argo, Jool and Chiana are forced to take a holiday by Pilot as he is fed up with their constant bickering.


Episode 58 - Season 3, Episode 14: Infinite Possibilities, Pt. 1: Daedalus Demands

Crichton must seek out an old friend who has gained too much knowledge about wormholes.


Episode 59 - Season 3, Episode 15: Infinite Possibilities, Pt. 2: Icarus Abides

Jack (The Ancient) unlocks the wormhole knowledge in Crichton's mind so together they can build a device to destroy the Scarran dreadnought.


Episode 60 - Season 3, Episode 16: Revenging Angel

D'Argo injures Crichton, as Crichton lies in a coma/near death, he escapes into a highly animated world. It's Farscape, Chuck Jones/Loony Tunes style. Meanwhile D'Argo's actions create a crisis on Moya, which could destroy the Leviathan.


Episode 61 - Season 3, Episode 17: The Choice

Aeryn is devastated. She leaves Talyn, and grieves on a planet. Talyn's crew tries to help but she doesn't want their help. She spots someone who might be her father. But not all family reunions are joyous.


Episode 62 - Season 3, Episode 18: Fractures

A group of escaped prisoners come aboard Moya followed shortly by Aeryn, Crais and Rygel who have finally returned from Talyn.


Episode 63 - Season 3, Episode 19: I - Yensch, You - Yensch

D'Argo and Rygel meet Braca and Scorpius in a cafe to conduct negotiations when it is unexpectedly attacked.


Episode 64 - Season 3, Episode 20: Into the Lion’s Den, Pt. 1: Lambs to the Slaughter

The crew must stop Scorpius's research on wormhole technology. The only way to stop him is to board the command carrier and figure a way to destroy it from within.


Episode 65 - Season 3, Episode 21: Into the Lion’s Den, Pt. 2: Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Crais gets Talyn to starburst inside the command carrier, causing it to collapse in on itself.


Episode 66 - Season 3, Episode 22: Dog with Two Bones

Moya takes Talyn's remains to the sacred burial ground where D'Argo is forced to destroy a rogue Leviathan that is attacking other ships.


Episode 67 - Season 4, Episode 1: Crichton Kicks

Crichton, now aboard a dying leviathan named Elac, encounters an alien named Sikozu who aids him in stopping the Grudeks who are intent on obtaining toubray (Leviathan neural cluster tissue).


Episode 68 - Season 4, Episode 2: What Was Lost, Pt. 1: Sacrifice

Everyone but Aeryn meets on Arnesk, where Jool has discovered the remains of an ancient civilization.


Episode 69 - Season 4, Episode 3: What Was Lost, Pt. 2: Resurrection

The crew discovers how far Scorpius has fallen in the Peacekeeper ranks. They must find and activate all the probes to stop the magnetic storm on Arnesk, but someone doesn't want them stopped.


Episode 70 - Season 4, Episode 4: Lava's a Many Splendored Thing

The crew is on the way to rendezvous with Moya. After ingesting a concoction of Noranti's they stop for a break on a planet. Rygel is captured and entombed in amber by raiders.


Episode 71 - Season 4, Episode 5: Promises

Everyone finally reunites on Moya. But Aeryn returns with Scorpius, who claims to have saved the former Peacekeeper's life.


Episode 72 - Season 4, Episode 6: Natural Election

Crichton correctly predicts a wormhole's appearance near Moya, but simultaneously a giant space plant captures the Leviathan.


Episode 73 - Season 4, Episode 7: John Quixote

Crichton and Chiana get stuck in a video game where they encounter strange/twisted versions of their friends.


Episode 74 - Season 4, Episode 8: I Shrink Therefore I Am

When Moya is raided by bounty hunters working for the Peacekeepers, every crew member is captured except for Crichton and Noranti.


Episode 75 - Season 4, Episode 9: A Prefect Murder

While Moya and her crew are resupplying on a generally xenophobic planet, Aeryn kills the next prefect, along with many bystanders and D'Argo, while under a strange form of suggestion.


Episode 76 - Season 4, Episode 10: Coup By Clam

The crew consume food, sharing amongst themselves. Although if not ingested by the same person, it becomes toxic. They must quickly find a cure or they'll die.


Episode 77 - Season 4, Episode 11: Unrealized Reality

Crichton falls into a wormhole and meets up with a strange man who shows Crichton the consequences of wormhole travel.


Episode 78 - Season 4, Episode 12: Kansas

After accidentally returning to Earth, Crichton discovers he is in 1985 and he has altered the time line, causing his father to be scheduled to fly on the doomed shuttle 'Challenger'.


Episode 79 - Season 4, Episode 13: Terra Firma

Crichton has arrived home, on Earth. Even though the Moya crew relaxes, on Earth and are treated as VIPs, Crichton can't seem to adjust to life on Earth. After all his adventures, can he still call Earth his home?


Episode 80 - Season 4, Episode 14: Twice Shy

Moya takes on a new passenger, Talikaa, when Chiana insists upon it. However Talikaa turns out to be an alien creature in disguise and is intent on harvesting the crew's neural energy.


Episode 81 - Season 4, Episode 15: Mental As Anything

The males of the crew undergo some training. Crichton learns how to resist Scarran probes. While D'Argo learns some self control D'Argo encounters his wife's murderer, his wife's brother.


Episode 82 - Season 4, Episode 16: Bringing Home the Beacon

The women of Moya travel to a dead Leviathan to buy a sensor beacon for Moya which will allow her to appear to be a different ship. While there Aeryn and Sikozu spy on a secret meeting between the Peacekeepers and the Scarrans.


Episode 83 - Season 4, Episode 17: A Constellation of Doubt

John Crichton struggles to learn the location of the mysterious Katratzi, whilst watching a television documentary about himself and the aliens.


Episode 84 - Season 4, Episode 18: Prayer

Crichton and Scorpius travel to one of the 'unrealized realities' where Crichton believes he heard Stark say "Katratzi." Meanwhile on a Scarran ship, Aeryn resists torture.


Episode 85 - Season 4, Episode 19: We're So Screwed, Pt. 1: Fetal Attraction

The crew goes after Aeryn on a Scarran controlled station.


Episode 86 - Season 4, Episode 20: We're So Screwed, Pt. 2: Hot To Katratzi

Moya arrives at Katratzi. Crichton attends the peace talks between the Scarrans and the Peacekeepers ...with a nuclear bomb.


Episode 87 - Season 4, Episode 21: We're So Screwed, Pt. 3: La Bomba

Scorpius has betrayed the crew. Now they're all captured. Their plan failed, the crew has little choice but to help Scorpius's true agenda.


Episode 88 - Season 4, Episode 22: Bad Timing

With their Crystherium stores low, the Scarrans must travel to Earth through a wormhole as those flowers grow there. With Pilots help, Crichton tries to collapse the wormhole leading back to Earth.


Episode 89 - Season 5, Episode 1: The Peacekeeper Wars, Pt. 1

John Crichton and Aeryn anticipate the birth of their child, only to get caught in the middle of a war that threatens millions of lives.


Episode 90 - Season 5, Episode 2: The Peacekeeper Wars, Pt. 2

Determined not to let his child be born into a world at war, John Crichton puts himself at the center of the conflict.



Season 1

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