Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Season 2 Episodes

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Season 2 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Prince Wednesday Goes to the Potty / Daniel Goes to the Potty

Prince Wednesday is in the block corner at school building the 'tallest tower in the world!' Even though he needs to go to the bathroom, he doesn't want to stop what he is doing. He learns how important it is to stop and go right away. / Dad's trumpet is broken, so he takes Daniel along to Music Man Stan's Shop to get it fixed. While at the shop, Daniel needs to use the bathroom but thinks he will have to wait until they go home. Music Man Stan explains that everyone goes to the bathroom, and Daniel learns that he can use the bathroom there - or anywhere else in the neighborhood!

Episode 2 - Fruit Picking Day / Daniel Is Big Enough to Help Dad

Daniel and his friends are enjoying a Fruit Festival in the Enchanted Garden. Prince Wednesday is frustrated and grows upset because his big brother Prince Tuesday can pick the highest fruit off the tree branches, but he can't. He wishes he wasn't so little! When the festival-goers spot a very special magical golden pear in the ground, Prince Wednesday is the only one little enough to reach it. Everyone is big enough to do something! / Dad Tiger is building a playhouse, and Daniel wants to help out. Daniel is frustrated that he is not big enough to use the grown up tools. Dad Tiger shows Daniel that there are things he can do to help that he's just the right size for. Everyone is big enough to do something!

Episode 3 - Daniel Waits for Show and Tell / A Night Out At the Restaurant

Daniel is so excited to share a book he made with his class at 'show and tell,' but he's finding it very difficult to wait. Singing on Trolley, playing during science time and imagining help to make waiting much easier. / Daniel and his family are going out to dinner, and Katerina is coming too. Daniel and Katerina have a hard time waiting at the restaurant, but soon learn ways to make the waiting time easier... and even fun!

Episode 4 - Thank You, Grandpere Tiger! / Neighborhood Thank You Day

Grandpere Tiger comes to visit, but is only in town for a short while. Daniel is sad that Grandpere can't come to the special Thank You Day celebration later that day. Daniel learns to be thankful for the time they DO have together, and is then surprised when Grandpere appears at the celebration after all! / The neighborhood celebrates Thank You Day by putting notes in the Thank You Tree. Daniel isn't sure what to put in his note. When a gust of wind blows the notes off of the tree, Mr. McFeely saves the day by catching and delivering everybody's thank you notes!

Episode 5 - The Neighborhood Votes / The Class Votes

The Tiger family is going to Clock Factory Park today to hear a big announcement from King Friday. Daniel makes several choices throughout the day, culminating in one BIG group decision: King Friday announces that the kids can choose one new piece of playground equipment. Everyone gets to speak up for what they want by voting! / At school today, Daniel and his classmates get to choose their new class pet! Teacher Harriet explains that they can either get a bunny or a turtle. The kids learn what it means to 'vote' and that sometimes you do not always get what you want. Luckily, ALL of the kids find something to love about their new pet 'Snowball'!

Episode 6 - Be a Vegetable Taster! / Daniel Tries a New Food

Teacher Harriet introduces Daniel and his friends to the school's vegetable garden and teaches them to pick out some healthy veggies for their snack. They explore the garden, picking, and trying different vegetables…with mixed results! / Miss Elaina is having dinner with the Tiger family tonight. Miss Elaina encourages Daniel to try some new food: Veggie Spaghetti and Banana Swirl. Daniel is uncomfortable with the idea of Veggie Spaghetti. He's convinced he doesn't like it, even though he's never tried it before. Miss Elaina encourages him to be adventurous and try the new food. She does the same herself, and even though she doesn't like some of the new food, she's proud of herself for trying.

Episode 7 - Good Morning Daniel / Goodnight Daniel

It's a typical morning in the Tiger household, and Daniel has to get ready for school. Daniel's playing and imagining distracts him from his routine. Will he make it in time for Trolley?! / Tonight, Daniel is playing as SUPER Daniel! After dinner, he must follow his nighttime routine even though he would rather play. Eventually, Daniel learns that even super heroes get sleepy!

Episode 8 - Daniel Plays Ball / O Builds a Tower

Daniel, Miss Elaina, and Prince Wednesday are at the park with Prince Tuesday. They decide to play a game with a ball. Daniel struggles to catch the ball and gets very frustrated. All of his friends remind him to keep on trying and finally, he succeeds! / In the block corner at school, O the Owl is determined to use all of the blocks to build the tallest tower in the world. After many failed attempts, he is frustrated, but Teacher Harriet and O's friends remind him to keep on trying!

Episode 9 - Daniel Gets a Shot / A Stormy Day

Daniel has an appointment at the doctor today and he has to get a shot. He is very apprehensive and does not want to go. Daniel asks Mom Tiger questions about the shot, and she shares her trick for staying brave in scary situations. Daniel finds that the shot was not so bad after all! / Daniel and O are having fun playing outside in the rain until a thunderstorm builds up and worries them. When Mom Tiger teaches them to think of something happy, O and Daniel learn that the thunderstorm is not so scary after all!

Episode 10 - Daniel's Sleepover / Backyard Camping

Daniel and his parents go to Prince Wednesday's castle for a family sleepover. Daniel and Prince Wednesday go through their bedtime routines together, and Daniel notices how different it is sleeping at Prince Wednesday's castle. As bedtime nears, Daniel and Prince Wednesday notice things that are just a little bit scary. They soon learn that once they investigate further…to see what these things really are…they aren't scary at all! / Daniel and O the Owl are camping in the yard tonight with Dad Tiger. O is a little hesitant to sleep in this unfamiliar setting. Once he examines this new setting closely, he learns that it's not so scary! In fact, different can be fun!

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