America's Book Of Secrets Season 2 Episodes
Season 2 Episode Guide
Episode 1 - The Ancient Astronaut Cover-UpThe notion of a universe inhabited by alien creatures can be found just about everywhere in American popular culture. But could mankind really have been visited by alien beings from other worlds? |
Episode 2 - The MafiaFor decades, the criminal organization known as "The Mafia" has stained the fabric of American society. But what are the secrets behind the Mob's sinister success? |
Episode 3 - The Ku Klux KlanThey are the original domestic terrorists, hiding underneath white hoods and flowing robes, and taking cover in the rights and freedoms that they are actively seeking to destroy. |
Episode 4 - Serial KillersThey are secretly stalking America's streets and highways, hiding in plain sight and compelled by one simple motive: the thrill of taking another person's life. |
Episode 5 - American NazisThere are nearly 200 neo-Nazi groups currently operating in the United States--and they are strongly allied to a loose network. |
Episode 6 - Deadly CultsAccording to government statistics, there are an estimated 5,000 cults currently operating in the United States. |
Episode 7 - Presidential Cover-UpsThe office of the President of the United States was designed to operate with greater transparency than any other world-leader... but how much do we really know about what goes on behind the doors of the Oval Office? |
Episode 8 - The Drug WarsThis episode uncovers the conspiracies behind America's 40-year drug campaign. Why does the U.S. Government classify marijuana and heroin as equally dangerous drugs? |
Episode 9 - The Mystery of BigfootBigfoot is everywhere you look, but why are so many millions of Americans obsessed with this mysterious man-ape? |
Episode 10 - Presidential AssassinsOver the last century there have been four successful presidential assassinations and a multitude of failed attempts. |
Episode 11 - Hells AngelsNo club in America is more secretive than the Hells Angels. Members are forbidden to discuss their biker brotherhood. |
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