Meet the Cast of the The Heroin Busters

Find out who is in the cast of The Heroin Busters plus their other shows and movies.

Cast List


The following actors are featured in The Heroin Busters

Fabio Testi
Also starred in: Dead Men Ride , Gang War in Naples , Revolver
David Hemmings
Also starred in: CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE (1968) , Juggernaut , Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Romano Puppo
Also starred in: Robowar , Contraband , The Big Racket
Wolfango Soldati
Also starred in: Keoma
Sherry Buchanan
Also starred in: Tentacles
Massimo Vanni
Also starred in: Zombie 3 , Robowar , Rats: Night of Terror
Angelo Ragusa
Also starred in: 1990: The Bronx Warriors
Sergio Ruggeri
Also starred in: Under the Riccione Sun

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