Meet the Cast of the Blood Born

Find out who is in the cast of Blood Born plus their other shows and movies.

Cast List


The following actors are featured in Blood Born

Rosie Moss
Antoine Perry
Melanie Haynes
Also starred in: Christmas Hotel , The Housewives of the North Pole , Antiquities
Laurine Price
Also starred in: Switched
Leah Verrill
Also starred in: 4 Dead Girls: The Soul Taker
Cole Gerdes
Stacey Moseley
Also starred in: Bones
Jody Jaress
Also starred in: Fresh Kill , Frenemy , Retake
Tracy Winters
Matt Mendoza
Adria Baratta
Chelsey Donn
Jennifer Daley
Also starred in: Blue , Divorce Bait , Uncle Kent
Teri Gamble

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