Find out what's on WQED tonight at the American TV Listings Guide

TV Show
01:00 am
TV Movie 60s and 70s Soul Celebration (My Music Presents) (2024)
04:00 am
Moments to Remember
06:30 am
TV Movie Earth, Wind & Fire: IHeart Radio Live (2025)
08:00 am
TV Movie This Land Is Your Land (2002)
09:30 am
What Pittsburgh Eats
12:30 pm
New Eastern Europe
3:30 pm
Best of the 60's (My Music Presents)
6:00 pm
New PBS News Weekend
Episode 73 - Season 10, Episode 340
6:30 pm
TV Movie Tony Bennett: Viva Duets (2025)
7:30 pm
TV Movie 60s and 70s Soul Celebration (My Music Presents) (2024)
10:30 pm
TV Movie Kris Kristofferson: The Life & Songs (2017)
12:00 am
TV Movie Aging Backwards 4: The Miracle of Flexibility with Miranda Esmonde-White (2023)

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