KTBW TBN Inspire

Find out what's on KTBW TBN Inspire tonight at the American TV Listings Guide

TV Show
9:00 pm
Creflo Dollar
How The Holy Spirit Helps Us Change
9:30 pm
Franklin Graham: This Christmas Night
10:00 pm
Joyce Meyer - Enjoying Everyday Life
A Proud and Humble Attitude (Part 2)
10:30 pm
Why The Nativity? w/David Jeremiah
11:00 pm
Stakelbeck Tonight
11:30 pm
Joyce Meyer - Enjoying Everyday Life
A Proud and Humble Attitude (Part 2)
12:00 am
David Holland: Christmas Grace
12:30 am
Drive Thru History: The Gospels
The Historical Landscape
01:00 am
Drive Thru History: The Gospels
The Announcements
01:30 am
Drive Thru History: The Gospels
Jesus is Born
02:00 am
The Purpose of Christmas With Rick Warren
03:00 am
Hagee Ministries
Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem
03:30 am
Turning Point With Dr. David Jeremiah
Why the Nativity? (Part 2)
04:00 am
Joyce Meyer - Enjoying Everyday Life
A Proud and Humble Attitude (Part 2)
04:30 am
Jason Crabb Christmas
05:30 am
Dr. Robert Jeffress
Back To Bethlehem - Season 14, Episode 42
06:00 am
Turning Point With Dr. David Jeremiah
Make the Season Bright: Christmas on Broadway with David Jeremiah (Part 2)
07:00 am
New Gregory Dickow: Power to Change Today
What To Do When God Seems Silent
07:30 am
The Potter's Touch
08:00 am
Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth
How to Find, Follow anf Fulfill God's Will
08:30 am
Bocelli: Mountain Top
09:00 am
A Bocelli Family Christmas
10:00 am
New Your Move With Andy Stanley
Reasons For The Season (Part 3)
10:30 am
New Allen Jackson Ministries
Wise People Pursue God - Season 1, Episode 346
11:00 am
Turning Point With Dr. David Jeremiah
Why the Nativity? (Part 2)
11:30 am
New Rick Warren
God's Promises To You When You're Afraid of Failing (Part 1)
12:00 pm
Creflo Dollar
Embracing God's Glory In The Midst of Discomfort
12:30 pm
The Potter's Touch
1:00 pm
Better Together
Prepare Your Heart for Christmas
2:00 pm
The Winning Walk with Dr Ed Young
Genealogy of Jesus - Season 1, Episode 68
2:30 pm
New Power Point with Jack Graham
Born To Die That Man May Live
3:00 pm
Bocelli: Mountain Top
3:30 pm
The Potter's Touch
4:00 pm
New Joel Osteen
Don't Fight It
4:30 pm
Joseph Prince
God Can Renew Your Strength
5:00 pm
Life Today with James Robison and Betty Robison
Fight To Win
5:30 pm
The Eric Metaxas Radio Show
Guests Tim Tebow and Rick Renner
6:00 pm
Turning Point With Dr. David Jeremiah
Why the Nativity? Interview with Dr. David Jeremiah
6:30 pm
Harvest with Pastor Greg Laurie
A Twisted Family Tree
7:00 pm
GMA Christmas 2023
8:00 pm
Bocelli: Mountain Top
8:30 pm
Amazing Facts
Every Nation and Tongue

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