All Saints Season 5 Episodes

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Season 5 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Opening Night

Ward 17 is business as usual as Bron heads off to help Lyle through the "opening night" nerves his play premiere has given rise to. But the best laid plans go horribly wrong when an earth tremor buckles train tracks and the train they are travelling on hits a tunnel pylon at high speed.

Episode 2 - The Show Must Go On

Ward 17 is business as usual as Bron heads off to help Lyle through the "opening night" nerves his play premiere has given rise to. But the best laid plans go horribly wrong when an earth tremor buckles train tracks and the train they are travelling on hits a tunnel pylon at high speed.

Episode 3 - In The Lap Of The Gods

Bron has been holding on by a thread since the train disaster, and Ben tries to make her take some time off work and get things out of her system. Doing this will mean facing the memory of Lyle's death and how he died and, loathe to do this, Bron puts herself on automatic pilot

Episode 4 - Slings and Arrows

Just after handover, Jared's parent Lana Dawson slips from the ward and jumps over the balcony in front of he and Terri. To the amazement of the searchers, Lana survives the suicide attempt but has disappeared.

Episode 5 - Private Affairs

Von finds herself nursing stroke victim Eric Lester, a famous artist with whom, in her youth, Von has had a flirtation. Fearing a conflict of interest, Von tells Terri that she and Eric are acquainted. Terri has no idea that Von and Eric were once lovers - well, almost - and Eric is left in her charge.

Episode 6 - Loose Lips

Ben and Scott are called out to an MVA and find the driver, Craig, who has relatively minor injuries, in an agitated state. He demands to know why they took so long to get there and is told that the first ambulance was flagged down to another accident

Episode 7 - Invisible Things

A Hospital security guard, Alf, who's been working at the hospital for 30 years, has been struck down by a mystery illness. It becomes apparent that his illness is very strange and rare. Mitch feels quite inadequate as he fails to come up with a plausible diagnosis as Alf gets sicker and sicker.

Episode 8 - All Chocked Up

Rising politician Martin Chadwick is admitted to emergency choking on a chicken bone and is quickly taken to theatre, where Kylie assists in his operation. She continues his post-operative care the following day on Ward 17, but it's clear that Martin's wife, Catherine, has no faith in her.

Episode 9 - Flaws in the Glass

Mitch starts his day with a harrowing but cathartic meeting with Rose, during which they both agree, sadly but amicably, that their marriage is over.

Episode 10 - Only Human

During a hospital function to woo donations from rich sponsors, wealthy Harry Nixon falls through a glass coffee table and is badly injured - Ben and Scott arrive to find the new CEO, Colin Blackburn, performing emergency first aid. Colin sends Harry to Ward 17, asking Terri to take care of this VIP patient.

Episode 11 - Chemistry

Scott and Rebecca attend what seems to be the attempted suicide of an older couple, Henry and Elizabeth Phelan. Henry, a former euthanasia advocate has Alzheimers, but when Elizabeth dies, suspicion is aroused over her "choice" in the couples action

Episode 12 - No Respite

While getting drunk, playing cards and talking about his chances with Rebecca, Scott passes out on Matt's bed. Though Matt tries to push him off, Scott won't budge. Jared discovers them snoozing cosily together the following morning, and despite knowing it's innocent, decides to torment the pair throughout the day.

Episode 13 - Thicker Than Water

Ben and Scott are called to a mysterious hit-run. The patient, Ross Fowler, is a haemophiliac and is moved to ward 17 into high dependency with Paula and Mitch fighting to save his life. Ross appears to be suffering from short-term memory loss, but could this just be a ploy to cover the fact that he has kidnapped his two children and they are now missing

Episode 14 - Pride and Prejudice

Mitch and Terri's blossoming relationship is in the background this week, as Mitch tackles an issue close to his heart. He has put together a proposal to have the old respite care unit turned into a detox centre for heroin addicts, using the relatively new, naltroxene, rapid detoxification treatment

Episode 15 - Overload

When the administration introduces two High Dependency beds to Ward Seventeen, the staff are far from happy and Nelson initiates a stop-work meeting to discuss the situation. The timing is not good, since it's a very busy day on the ward, replete with difficult cases and difficult patients.

Episode 16 - Swept Away

As Mitch arrives to begin his working day, he and a locum physician, Charlotte Beaumont, go to the aid of a man who staggers in off the street. He is delirious and bleeds from his mouth and eyes, symptoms which strongly indicate the possibility of Ebola Virus.

Episode 17 - All the Right Reasons

Terri and Mitch have spent a night of lovemaking, and Terri has taken a "sickie" to continue. Stepping into Terri's job, Nelson, keen to impress, sets about implementing new efficiencies which quickly get his staff off-side.

Episode 18 - Coming Clean

Terri informs Luke that the Coroner has ordered a new investigation into the death of Ma O'Connell. Luke is shocked. He immediately tries to contact his brother, Rick. He knows that if the truth comes out in the wrong way, it'll mean the end of his career. The truth needs to come from Rick.

Episode 19 - Shame

Bron is loving being back, she and Ben couldn't be happier. But Bron has a persistent long-distance caller - Andy, with whom she had a brief and, to Bron, passing affair during her OS trip. She confesses about it to Jared and despite his advice - don't tell, Ben won't be able to handle it - Bron feels increasingly uneasy about keeping guilty secrets from her fiancé

Episode 20 - White Noise

Von is a counsellor at a Camp for kids with problem backgrounds. While mucking around, a ball disappears down a hill and into a gorge. Simon, the boy who kicked the ball goes after it, and disappears. Adam Finch, one of the other boys goes after him, but falls to a ledge and fractures his foot.. Von then organizes a rescue and with the aid of the other kids, climbs down to the injured boy

Episode 21 - Personal Matters

Paula's mother, Cynthia, is involved in a car accident with Paula's son Max in a shopping centre car park. Max is okay, but Cynthia has a broken femur. Scott and Rebecca attend the scene and Rebecca administers morphine to Cynthia

Episode 22 - M for Memory

On the verge of opening his rapid induction detox clinic, Mitch is visited by his cousin Paul, a Melbourne lawyer, together with his beautiful girlfriend Hannah. Ostensibly a social visit, it soon become clear Paul has another agenda in mind

Episode 23 - Running on Empathy

Terri and Mitch are finding it extremely difficult to stay apart, but Terri realizes that if they don't, Rose could use their relationship in the custody battle over Lucy. Little does she know what Rose has in mind for Mitch

Episode 24 - First Steps

Mitch decides to take a DNA test to prove he is Lucy's father. He organises Rose to bring Lucy in later that afternoon. Today is the first day of treatment for the Detox Clinic. Gina who is one of the first two patients, is two hours late and Peter replaces her.

Episode 25 - Judgement Day

Scott has a lot on his mind, having found out the that Bron has cheated on Ben. Confronting her, he tries to explain to her what a terrible position it puts her friends in, having to choose between her confidence or the trust of a mate, but Bron is adamant - stay out of it.

Episode 26 - Due Diligence

Terri and Mitch's ideal weekend away doesn't go quite to plan when he inadvertently describes them as "not the marrying kind" to his cousin, Paul and fiancée, Hannah (Est Ep 190). They've not discussed the idea of getting married, but the idea, unbeknown to Mitch, has clearly grown on Terri, who seems unusually emotional.

Episode 27 - In the Family Way

Fiona Saunders, a Catholic mother of seven is admitted from emergency eleven weeks pregnant, with high blood pressure and abdominal pain. Because she has had four previous caesareans, her uterus is in danger of rupturing.

Episode 28 - An Itch To Scratch

The day starts badly for Terri. She's having a terrible time with morning sickness. It's lasting all day, and making it impossible for her to even think about eating or drinking anything. Mitch is worried about her, of course, but believes that Terri, as a medical professional, should take his practical advice - doctor knows best.

Episode 29 - No Expectation

Jared becomes fascinated with the underground culture of drug-users he has discovered in the tunnels. How much will he risk to help them?

Episode 30 - The Untouchables

Jared returns to the tunnel to talk to Donna but is ambushed by Mick, who bashes and then rapes him. Unable to confide to anyone, Jared goes to work and encounters a client, Ebony Trafford.

Episode 31 - Where the Heart Is

An attractive ballet dancer, Nicole Spender, turns out to be addicted to the painkillers she's been over-using for many months and, as she awaits surgery on the Ward, she undergoes severe withdrawal symptoms which have disastrous results.

Episode 32 - Secrets

Diana, the girlfriend of the guy who raped Jared turns up at the clinic. She collapses and is taken to emergency. When Diana is diagnosed with gonorrhoea, Jared goes beserk, believing he will have contracted the disease from Mick. After being sprung injecting himself with antibiotics, Charlotte feels it's time she tried to draw Jared out on what is going on. Jared breaks down.

Episode 33 - Bed Time Stories

One of Mitch's clinic patients, John, slips into a post-detox coma. Mitch can't find any logical reason for his condition and orders a battery of tests. Apart from the obvious concern for the patient, Mitch is worried that, if John's condition is a result of his treatment, it'll be another nail in the coffin of the clinic.

Episode 34 - When All is Lost

fe on the ward is thrown into chaos by a snap Health Department inspection. Cleaning assignments on top of regular duties make for a busy day. A busy day made worse by tension between Matt and the inspector. But it's not too busy for Bron's tryst with Charlotte to become the talk of the ward.

Episode 35 - Into The Light

Bron is shattered when her childhood abuser, Lloyd Cooper, is brought onto her ward from prison, where he is serving time for white collar fraud. Her father has been called on to perform the delicate surgery, which adds an extra element of emotional difficulty

Episode 36 - Big Kids

While Terri is away, Mitch will play... with fire. He wakes up to find he has a black eye and no memory of how he got it. Von is not impressed when she discovers that Adam's mum, Gina, hasn't been referred to a new service by Mitch's doomed clinic, and is even less impressed when she realises that Mitch is on a mission to nail the fire on Peter Buchanan

Episode 37 - You should've said

Scott and Rebecca get to the call-out to discover it's Adam Finch. OD'ed on heroin. He is admitted to Ward 17, where a picture develops of a young man that has become moody and depressed over the last few months. Von attempts to discover the cause of Adam's behaviour, but it is an innocent comment from Jared that ultimately holds the key. Adam was at the clinic the day of the fire.

Episode 38 - Hear Me Touch Me, Heal Me

Rebecca and Scott get caught in the crossfire of a bikie war. Mitch charges to Terri's rescue, and is almost killed in the process. And a woman with a long list of unrelated symptoms is ear bashing everybody,

Episode 39 - Down To Earth

Ben and Bron find themselves held hostage by Ian Neal - a paranoid schizophrenic patient they have both treated before. Ian is convinced that the world is in the grips of an alien led conspiracy. While he trusts Ben and Bron, he believes that they have been infiltrated by the aliens and sets about a ritual purification.

Episode 40 - Consuming Passions

Terri's ethics are put on the line. Von fights to hold a family together. Ben's confused over his feelings for Bron and Paula's feeling the cold. When Ian Neal escapes custody it has tragic repercussions for Ben. Charlotte suggests a radical treatment.

Episode 41 - Musical Beds

Ben is much recovered and, after some string-pulling by Paula, is brought up to Ward 17, so that she can nurse him personally. Terri's concerned about the tensions that may result with Bron but gets an assurance from her that it will all be fine.

Episode 42 - Twice The Fun

Nelson is offered a promotion but the day doesn't turn out the way he'd hoped when a highly charged ethical dilemma presents itself. His day is further complicated by the demands of a mystery woman. Mitch is rattled when Rose makes a small but unexpected appearance, and is then confused by a puzzling case that Charlotte may hold the key to.

Episode 43 - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

An elderly patient has some startling bad memories. Terri and Mitch struggle to come to terms with the reappearance of Rose. Ben has some tough explaining to do. Scott finds his problem with his new partner worsening. Nelson nurses a patient who brings up bad memories for him.

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