Meet the Cast of the The Comfort of Strangers

Find out who is in the cast of The Comfort of Strangers plus their other shows and movies.

Cast List


The following actors are featured in The Comfort of Strangers

Christopher Walken
Also starred in: Heaven's Gate , Homeboy , Communion
Rupert Everett
Also starred in: B. Monkey , The Importance Of Being Earnest , Shrek 2
Natasha Richardson
Also starred in: CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE (1968) , Gothic , Patty Hearst
Helen Mirren
Also starred in: The Madness Of King George , Painted Lady , Greenfingers
Manfredi Aliquo
Giancarlo Previati
Antonio Serrano
Also starred in: A Wonderful World
Mario Cotone
Also starred in: The Godfather Part II

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