Meet the Cast of the The Adventures of Jurassic Pet 2: The Lost Secret

Find out who is in the cast of The Adventures of Jurassic Pet 2: The Lost Secret plus their other shows and movies.

Cast List


The following actors are featured in The Adventures of Jurassic Pet 2: The Lost Secret

Sophie Proctor
Also starred in: Ghoster , Jurassic Pet 3
Myles Currin-Moore
Ryan Francis
Also starred in: Straight Into Darkness , Stay Out of the Attic , Black Bags
Drew Pollock
Also starred in: Black Bags , Painted Woman , Guardians of Time
Lisa Fenimore
Also starred in: What Rhymes With Reason
Kyle Jacob Henry
Also starred in: The Adventures of A.R.I.: My Robot Friend , Out of Exile
Kelsey Cartwright
Vita Tyan

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