Meet the Cast of the Láska je láska (Love is Love)

Find out who is in the cast of Láska je láska (Love is Love) plus their other shows and movies.

Cast List


The following actors are featured in Láska je láska (Love is Love)

Petr Nározny
Also starred in: Dvojníci (Dopplegangers)
سيمونا ستاشوفا
Ondřej Vetchý
Also starred in: The Confidant , Shadows of Death , Dark Blue World
Aneta Krejčíková
Rudolf Hrušínský
Also starred in: The Elementary School (Obecná škola)
Eliška Balzerová
Also starred in: Far Too Personal
Maciej Cymorek
Also starred in: Squadron 303: The Battle of Britain
Petr Vancura

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