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The Nanny is also scheduled to broadcast on local TV at the following times this week
Time |
TV Show |
FEB 03
The NannyFransomGONeeding extra money for Yetta's bridal shower, Fran is hired to be Chester's dog walker. |
FEB 03
The NannyThe Ex-nilesGOFran and CC agree to let Dr. Joyce Brothers decide who's the better woman for Maxwell. |
FEB 03
The NannyA Decent ProposalGOEveryone travels to Las Vegas where Fran meets Chevy Chase. He thinks that Fran is good luck, and invites her to his private card game. |
FEB 03
The NannyMommy And MaiGOMai Ling, the Cambodian girl Fran and Val adopted in high school is coming to New York to visit them. |
FEB 04
The NannyFair Weather FranGOUpset about Yetta's upcoming wedding, Fran is advised by Dr. Miller to focus her energy on new life projects. |
FEB 04
The NannyEducating FranGOFran goes to Maggie's school to have a word with her Philosophy teacher and ends up developing a crush on him. |