Sesame Street

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Sesame Street is also scheduled to broadcast on local TV at the following times this week

TV Show
MAR 28
11:00 am
Sesame Street
Family Album
ABC Kids / ABC Family

Gabrielle and Tamir are making a family photo album for Grandma Nell. They learn about melanin and that sometimes people in a family can look the same and sometimes they can look different but are still the same family.

MAR 29
05:02 am
Sesame Street
Elmo Builds A Robot Dog
ABC Kids / ABC Family

Elmo, Tamir, and Alan build a robot dog for Norbert the Robot, but the tail isn't upright and 'waggedy' like Tango's tail. What if they use a wooden paint brush and wrap it with shiny foil? Let's try!

MAR 30
05:03 am
Sesame Street
Elmo Mails A Letter
ABC Kids / ABC Family

Elmo is mailing his first letter and follows mail carrier Ms. Hampton to the post office, where he sees how everyone's mail gets sorted to go to the right place.

MAR 30
11:00 am
Sesame Street
ABC Kids / ABC Family

At an Outdoor Library Ji-Young can't find just one book with all the things that make her special. She writes her own comic book with the help of her friends about some of the things that make her special.

MAR 31
05:02 am
Sesame Street
Lunchtime Engineers
ABC Kids / ABC Family

When Chris sprains his ankle, Zoe, Gabrielle, and Rosita use a rope and pulley to bring him his lunch, but the rope slips off the lunch bag. What if they put the lunch bag in a basket and tie the rope to the basket handle?