Seinfeld TV Listings
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13 MAR
SeinfeldThe PostponementGOAlthough Elaine refuses to admit it, George's upcoming wedding to Susan has her troubled. And when a rabbi in her building senses something is wrong and encourages her to speak freely, she admits to feelings of jealousy and resentment. |
13 MAR
SeinfeldThe MaestroGOWhile shopping for new clothes at a store owned by her uncle, Susan does her best to change George's wardrobe. But he's preoccupied by a store security guard who spends all day standing on the job. |
17 MAR
SeinfeldThe WinkGOThough it's grapefruit juice that has caused George to wink uncontrollably, Yankee executive Mr. Wilhelm thinks he's hinting at a problem with his boss, Mr. Morgan. |
17 MAR
SeinfeldThe Hot TubGOJerry worries when Elaine hosts a marathon runner with the tendancy to oversleep, while Kramers new hot tub gets him in hot water. |
18 MAR
SeinfeldThe Soup NaziGOWhile on the way to a soup stand whose demanding proprietor's harsh rules have led to him being referred to as "The Soup Nazi," Elaine stops to buy a sidewalk vendor's antique armoire. |
18 MAR
SeinfeldThe Secret CodeGOWhile George balks at giving his secret bank code to Susan, Jerry is hired to do a commercial for appliance dealer Leapin' Larry. |
19 MAR
SeinfeldThe Pool GuyGOWhen Elaine has an extra ticket to a museum's costume show, Jerry suggests asking Susan. However, worried about mixing his life with Susan with that of his friends, George tries to keep it from happening. |
19 MAR
SeinfeldThe SpongeGOWhile sponsoring Kramer for an AIDS Walk, Jerry spots the name of an old college classmate on the sign-up sheet. Over Elaine's objections, he copies down Lena Small's phone number and calls her for a date. |