My Faithful Husband

My Faithful Husband Season 1 Episodes

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Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Episode 1

Emman meeting Mel is serendipitous. Though, feeling that his birthday is unimportant, Mel makes a way for Emman's birthday to become a memorable one.


Episode 2 - Episode 2

Mel and Emman go on a date and get to know each other. Though Emman is open about his past, Mel is protective of her past with Dean.


Episode 3 - Episode 3

Emman comforts a broken-hearted Mel. Carmen learns that Mel is pregnant and Emman admits to being the father.


Episode 4 - Episode 4

Emman and Mel marry. But tensions are still high as Mercedes is not convinced that Emman is the father of Mel's baby.


Episode 5 - Episode 5

Mel gets hired as a nurse without the knowledge that Dean is one of the managers in the company.


Episode 6 - Episode 6

Upon learning that Dean is also part of the company, Mel withholds her application giving Mercedes another reason to hate her.


Episode 7 - Episode 7

Mel borrows money from Carmen and Rosanna but gets mugged. In an act of desperation, Mel accepts the job offer from the company where Dean works as a manager.


Episode 8 - Episode 8

Dean tries to flirt with Mel at work but gets rejected everytime. Mel tries to tell Emman that she is working with her ex boyfriend as advised by Mylene but didn't get the chance.


Episode 9 - Episode 9

Emman meets Dean at Mel's workplace which prompts him to ask Mel about him but she is uncomfortable discussing about it. Dean tries to give a gift to Mel's daughter and kisses her.


Episode 10 - Episode 10

Mel files a restraining order against Dean. The CEO wants to fire Mel but Dean refuses and admits that she is his ex.


Episode 11 - Episode 11

Dean breaks his arm from falling down the stairs. Mel visits him to have him sign the waivers. While Emman is considering working overseas.


Episode 12 - Episodes 12

Mel calls out Dean's name while making out with Emman making him ask if she still has feelings for her ex. She receives a bouquet of tulips from Dean and asks him to stay away or she will file charges against him.


Episode 13 - Episode 13

Mel resigns from her work. While Emman is trying to help Carla cope with her pregnancy. Mylene accidentally spills to Carmen that Mel has a child Dean.


Episode 14 - Episode 14

Mel admits to Emman that she quit her job and that she is borrowing money from Carmen. Emman accepts the overseas job. Adelle calls Mel to hang out without knowing that it is Dean's plan. Everyone gets drunk and Dean takes Mel to his condo.


Episode 15 - Episode 15

Mercedes warns Mel about Emman going overseas for work however Mel losses her temper and starts talking back. Dean takes Mel to a restaurant and offers that she can talk to him about all her problems.


Episode 16 - Episode 16

Mel apologizes to Carmen for talking back and Emman apologizes to Mel if she feels that he is taking his mother's side. Dean admits to Mel that he is still in love with her. He gives her a goodbye kiss just before Emman arrives.


Episode 17 - Episode 17

Mel catches Emman kissing a girl from a pub. She turns to Dean to talk about her problems and they kissed. Dean tries to convince Mel that they still have a connection.


Episode 18 - Episode 18

Mel tells Dean that she can only offer friendship. They talked all night on the phone, keeping their friendship a secret from Mel's family. Mel receives an order for flowers and it turns out that Dean is the customer.


Episode 19 - Episode 19

Dean tries to call Mel but Emman answers the phone. Dean pretends that he's calling to give Mel her job back. Mel admits to Adelle that she is still in love with Dean.


Episode 20 - Episode 20

Dean tries to call Mel but Emman answers the phone. Dean pretends that he's calling to give Mel her job back. Mel admits to Adelle that she is still in love with D


Episode 21 - Episode 21

Dean tries to blackmail Mel and they argued inside Dean's car causing it to hit a truck. Emman receives a call from the hospital about Mel's accident and learned that she is with a guy during the accident.


Episode 22 - Episode 22

Emman learns that Mel was with Dean during the accident. He overhears from the hospital staff that Mel and Dean was from a motel prior to the accident. Emman forces a confrontation with Dean.


Episode 23 - Episode 23

Emman forces a confrontation with Dean but Arnaldo restrains him. Emman tells Mel that he knows the truth. Mel begs Emman for forgiveness but in vain. Dean tells Arnaldo that he will not tell Emman the truth.


Episode 24 - Episode 24

Mylene asks Emman for forgiveness in behalf of her sister but doesn't want to hear it. Emman tears their wedding photos. Mel asks Emman if they can work things out.


Episode 25 - Episode 25

Mel promises that she will be a good wife to Emman. He tells her to just do it. Emman cancels his plans of going overseas, angering Mercedes. She confronts Mel and forces a confession on why Emman is not leaving for overseas.


Episode 26 - Episode 26

Emman visits Dean in his office to assault him. Arnaldo wants to file a case against Emman but is surprised when he learns of Emman's real name. Mel finds Dean outside their house.


Episode 27 - Episode 27

Arnaldo tells Dean to stay away from Emman. Emman confronts Mel about Dean's visit. Mercedes publicly shames Mel for her infindelity.


Episode 28 - Episode 28

Carmen forces Mel to come with her but is stopped by Emman. Mylene stays with her sister to assure her safety. Dean wants to ruin Mel's family.


Episode 30 - Episode 30

Dennis, still cold with Mel, gets drunk with the company of a bar girl. As he tells his story with the bar girl, she tells him that Mel probably still has feelings for Dean. Dean tries to call Mel but was answered by Emman. Emman asks Mel if she still has feelings for Dean.


Episode 31 - Episode 31

Mel tells Dean that she is trying to fix her family, hangs up the phone, and destroys the sim card. Lorenz tells Emman that Mel is prioritizing him and their family. Mercedes wants Mel to admit the the children are not Emman's.


Episode 32 - Episode 32

Mercedes forces a confession from Mel but accidentally pushes Carla down the stairs. Dean tells Emman the truth. Carmen sneaks into Mercedes' house to get the children but is caught.


Episode 33 - Episode 33

Carmen fails to get the children. Dean is not convinced that he is Mel's rebound. He steps in when things don't work out between Emman and Mel. Emman tries to get Mel to go back with him.


Episode 34 - Episode 34

Carmen does not want Mel to go back with Emman. Dean sees Emman and Mel fighting outside the pastry shop and tries to break it. Mercedes wants to have a DNA test for Emman and his children.


Episode 35 - Episode 35

Dean insists on getting back with Mel but she declines. Mercedes learns Munding's identity from Lorenz. Mylene advises Mel to stay away from Dean.


Episode 36 - Episode 36

Mercedes comes home drunk and tells Munding that she is not her real granddaughter. Emman gets his children and moves out of the house. Mylene asks Mel on where she went with Dean but Emman overhears it.


Episode 37 - Episode 37

Emman confronts Mel if she and Dean were on the same event. He finds Mel's scrapbook about Dean and asks what is with Dean that she can never forget. Dean expresses that she is not interested in anyone but Mel.


Episode 38 - Episode 38

Emman confronts Mel if she and Dean were on the same event. He finds Mel's scrapbook about Dean and asks what is with Dean that she can never forget. Dean expresses that she is not interested in anyone but Mel.


Episode 39 - Episode 39

Munding tries to run away from Mel and Emman but Mel tries to make her understand their family's situation. Dean overhears what Munding said but Mel denies it. Munding goes to Emman when Dean tries to get her. Emman and Dean gets into a fistfight.


Episode 40 - Episode 40

Dean wants to spend more time with Munding but the deal is for just one meeting. Carmen catches Dean stalking outside Munding's school. Mercedes wants to make a deal with Dean, she will give him Munding in exchange for money.


Episode 41 - Episode 41

Dean wants to spend more time with Munding but the deal is for just one meeting. Carmen catches Dean stalking outside Munding's school. Mercedes wants to make a deal with Dean, she will give him Munding in exchange for money.


Episode 42 - Episode 42

Mercedes takes Ali to the mall and calls Dean for the exchange. She goes home and tells Emman and Mel that she lost Ali. Emman and Mel go to Dean's house and Dean pretends that he does not know that Ali's missing.


Episode 43 - Episode 43

Charito helps Dean in hiding Ali in their house. Mel goes back home to confront Mercedes about the real story. Arnaldo brings back Ali to Emman and Mel but is recognized by Mercedes. Mercedes calls him a rapist.


Episode 44 - Episode 44

Emman learns that Arnaldo is his father. Dean admits to Mel that Mercedes is the one who gave him Ali. Emman learns of Mercedes' involvement with Ali's disappearance. Mel goes home to confront Mercedes.


Episode 45 - Episode 45

Mercedes remembers what happened and ends up hurting Dante. Mel tells Mylene the reason why Emman is angry with Arnaldo. Lorenz asks Emman to give Arnaldo a chance to fix their relationship.


Episode 46 - Episode 46

Arnaldo pleads Emman to give him a chance but gives a condition that he will do so if Arnaldo makes the same effort with Mercedes. Mercedes drinks on the street. Arnaldo finds him and she hits him on the neck with a broken bottle.


Episode 47 - Episode 47

Mercedes admits to Carla what she did to Arnaldo. Arnaldo wants Emman to protect Mercedes. Mars tells everyone about Mercedes being near the scene of the crime. Mercedes asks Emman for money so she and Carla can escape.


Episode 48 - Episode 48

Emman tries to convince Mercedes to give herself up. Lorenz asks Emman if he knows where Mercedes is. The police catches Mercedes and pleads Emman to get her and Carla out of jail.


Episode 49 - Episode 49

Lorenz confronts Mercedes about what she did to Arnaldo. Dean tells Emman and Mel that they will drop the charges in exchange for Ali. Mel does not want the deal but Emman calls Dean.


Episode 50 - Episode 50

Emman declines Dean's offer. Carmen advises Mel that the children should stay with her just to be safe. Emman admits to the police that he killed Arnaldo and surrenders so Mercedes will be set free.


Episode 51 - Episode 51

Emman and Mel worry about Aliyah's condition. Dean promises Aliyah that he will take care of her. Emman and Mel have a difficult time coping with the condition.


Episode 52 - Episode 52

Emman decides to study Horticulture and Mel decides to practice Nursing. Aliyah invites her dad to a 'Show Your Dad' Program at school however Dean also shows up. Mel worries because of Aliyah's nose bleed.


Episode 53 - Episode 53

Emman and Mel worry about Aliyah's condition. Dean promises Aliyah that he will take care of her. Emman and Mel have a difficult time coping with the condition.


Episode 54 - Episode 54

Mel explains the illness to Aliyah. Dean is angry at Mel for hiding their daughter's condition. Aliyah is losing her hair due to the treatment but Emman assures her that she is still beautiful.


Episode 55 - Episode 55

The doctor tells Mel that the cost of the bone marrow transplant for Aliyah is at 5 million. Dean offers to shoulder the cost but Mel refuses. Upon testing, Dean is the only bone marrow match for Aliyah but in one condition, he wants sole custody of the child.


Episode 56 - Episode 56

Dean and Mel argue about Aliyah's custody. Mel allows Dean to visit the child. Emman feels distant when he saw Dean and Mel taking care of Aliyah. Mylene tells him that he should be the one inside taking care of Aliyah.


Episode 57 - Episode 57

Emman thanks Dean for his efforts with Mel and Aliyah. Mel tells Adelle that she is over Dean. Mylene gets into a car accident and Emman tries to get her out of the precint.


Episode 58 - Episode 58

Mylene walks out of their house when Artemio is having dinner with the family. Emman fetches Mylene and takes her home. Mylene kisses Emman but Artemio sees it.


Episode 59 - Episode 59

Mylene apologizes to Emman about kissing him and admits that she has feelings for him. Emman advises her to forget her feelings for him. She also admits to Mel that she is falling for Emman.


Episode 60 - Episode 60

Mel admits to Carmen that she is disappointed with Mylene and that she now understands what Emman felt when she cheated on him. Aliyah celebrates her birthday with Dean and Mel.


Episode 61 - Episode 61

Emman is drinking with Dodong and Mars, gets drunk and goes to Dean's place, shouting Mel's name. Mel gets worried upon seeing blood from Aliyah's mouth.


Episode 62 - Episode 62

Dean tells Emman and Mel that he has a relative in the US that can help with Aliyah's condition. Emman confronts Mel and Dean for not telling him about Aliyah's trial treatment. Emman decided that Aliyah will not leave for US.


Episode 63 - Episode 63

Mel tells Emman the she has decided to take Aliyah to the US. Aliyah bleeds from her nose again. She asks Mel why she is not getting any better despite all the prayers.


Episode 64 - Episode 64

Aliyah has a going-away party with her classmates and introduces Dean as her dad. On their way to the airport, Aliyah gets dizzy and pukes. The doctor tells them to prepare for whatever might happen.


Episode 65 - Episode 65

Mel is not in favor of bringing Luningning to the hospital and she is mad at Emman for assuming that Aliyah is dying. The doctor tells the family that Aliyah is in coma. Mel notices Aliyah's movement.


Episode 66 - Episode 66

Everyone is emotional over Aliyah's death. Emman asks the doctor if it is his fault but the doctor tells him that he is not to blame. Dean cannot accept the fact that his daughter's gone.


Episode 67 - Episode 67

Dean confronts Mel that they should have insisted on bringing Aliyah to the US. Mel tells Emman that he is to be blamed for Aliyah's death. She cries while talking to Aliyah's grave.


Episode 68 - Episode 68

Dean visits Aliyah's grave and sees Mel sleeping beside it. Mel questions Emman's ability to cope with Aliyah's death. Emman bursts in anger and admits that Aliyah's death is his fault.


Episode 69 - Episode 69

Emman gives a bouquet of flowers to Mel but she tells Emman that she wants them to separate. Carmen tells Emman to fight for their family but he will do it for himself. Emman begs Mel to not go.


Episode 70 - Episode 70

Mel tells Emman about the job offer as a head nurse in Canada. She is bringing Luningning along to which Emman agrees. Mel feels that Emman doesn't need her anymore because he lets them stay away from him.



Season 1

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