Gay, Straight or Taken?

Gay, Straight or Taken? Season 1 Episodes

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Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Smarty-Pants Seeks Funny Guy

Jenner describes herself as being "hilarious smarty-pants". She wants a man with sense of humor, that is able to make her laugh, and that is able to love her mom (but to focus just on her). She works in real estate, and likes sports, kids, and guys with tats.


Episode 2 - Arty Girl Seeks Witty Guy

Jilina wants a guy with confidence and fresh breath. She likes to travel to Europe (she flew to Paris on a first date). She is a 24-year-old artist, and likes sports and the movie Spaceballs.


Episode 3 - Rising Star Seeks the Full Package

Kara, who is a 28-year-old nanny and actress, is looking for the full package: sense of humor, intelligence and good looks. Her hobbies range from creating art and attending the theater to camping, hiking and skiing - and if she can pursue those pastimes in Europe or Hawaii, all the better. Though she considers herself open-minded, she won't tolerate arrogance, stupidity or rudeness.


Episode 4 - Lively Gal Seeks Athletic Guy

Marisa is a "spirited" girl who calls herself eclectic, and her tastes show it: She listens to everything from Sade to Jay-Z, Lenny Kravitz to Green Day, and her hobbies include dancing, paintball and karate. Ignorance and stupidity get her goat. But introduce her to a guy with humor, intelligence and a firm, athletic bod, and she's putty.


Episode 5 - Music Lover Seeks Artist

Tauvia, is a 34-year-old cocktail waitress. She hates jocks, height-challenged guys and men who are obsessed with politics need not apply for her heart. She's banking on an artistic gentleman who's willing to laugh at himself. Since seeing live shows, hunting for vinyl and listening to tunes are among her favorite things to do, a love of music is an absolute must.


Episode 6 - Nature Lover Seeks Mr. Nice Guy

Casey is a 25-year-old model whose ultimate turn-offs are body odor and a bad attitude, Her turn-ons? The usual: beautiful eyes, intelligence and a sense of humor. The outdoorsy type, Casey surfs, snowboards and camps, and she claims her first impressions are usually spot-on. Guess we'll see about that!


Episode 7 - "Joyful" Model Seeks Dancer

A joyful person by her own admission, Sherial, 24, takes pleasure in singing, drawing, reading and boxing. She listens to Stevie Wonder, Coldplay and Lauryn Hill, and likes funny guys who are great dancers and dressers. Among the first things she notices about men are their grooming and demeanor, yet if both reel her in, then the guy tells a corny joke, she'll be off on her merry way.


Episode 8 - Energetic Gal Seeks Family Man

Jackie, 22, is a fan of antique shopping, exotic beaches and Patsy Cline. Men who make perverted comments or are super-smooth won't get far with this Arizona-based aesthetician, whose eyes are on a more wholesome prize: a funny, adventurous man who gets along with his family.


Episode 9 - Traveler Seeks Adventurer

Stephanie, who is a 25 year old, is a clothing sales rep when she's on the clock and a globe-trotter when she's not. Hawaii, the south of France, and Greece are among her best-loved spots in the world - right now. Since she considers herself an explorer, they might not top her list for long.


Episode 10 - Reader-Hiker Seeks Regular Joe

Tiffany, who is a Californian actress, who describes herself as "loyal" and "exciting," is looking for a guy with sex appeal (and who doesn't have more hair products than her!). Her pastimes include reading, hiking and listening to Dave Matthews and Outkast. Other things that float her boat? The movies "Stella" and hot spots Miami and Greece.


Episode 11 - Go-Getter Seeks Considerate Man

Elle, who is twenty nine, considers herself a mover and shaker. Her favorite movies and Center Stage and Fame. She's looking to be swept off her feet by a "thoughtful, somewhat romantic" guy with a killer smile. And her potential dates have a high bar set for them.


Episode 12 - Book Lover Seeks Evolved Man

Elizabeth, who is a typical 23 year old California woman, has a busy life juggling jobs as an actor, server and bartender. Her ideal guy is an animal owner who's far from animal himself: Excessive body hair and alpha-male bravado are for the dogs; she likes her guys well-spoken and witty. Elizabeth, who's an avid reader, had her most memorable first date at a bookstore.


Episode 13 - Straight Arrow Seeks Upright Guy

Victoria, who is a 25-year-old freelance writer and model, is a goal-oriented, independent woman who admits to being a touch self-absorbed. When she directs her attention to men, she's turned on by intelligent charmers, but ultimately this churchgoer is looking for a clean-cut "Christian man with integrity, character...a good heart."


Episode 14 - Sweet Girl Seeks Sociable Guy

Robyn, who is 28 years old, is a cafe server who claims to be a laidback people person who's looking for someone to have a good time with. Her perfect date includes a motorcycle ride up the coast followed by a viewing of the sunset, with a beer in hand. The guy she'd choose ti ride with: One who's tall, dark and free of facial hair.


Episode 15 - Good-Time Gal Seeks Adonis

Susie, who is a 25 year old amateur painter and ceramicist, likes skiing and "Sleepless in Seattle", and describes herself as fun and outgoing. She's in the market for a confident, athletic non-wimp, and for her, size and looks matter: The first things the 25-year-old notices about a guy? If he's big and tall, has broad shoulders and is good looking.


Episode 16 - Singular Girl Seeks Intellectual

Harmonie, who is a 28 year old, wants a leading man with the talent and will to be more than a cog in the machine. Ambition and intellect top this "unique" woman's list of wants. But she fully believes in breaks from the mental taxation of the daily grind too - to dance, work out and visit steamy islands for some tropical fun.


Episode 17 - Songwriter Seeks Sincere Guy

Sunny is both thoughtful and gentle. The actress, who also enjoys songwriting, traveling, and scuba diving, tries her best to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. But watch out because, if you treat her wrongly, you'll be sure to see her bad side.


Episode 18 - Free Spirit Seeks Impulsive Mate

Amy, age 28, describes herself as magnetic. She likes to sew, do yoga, and dance and gives high marks to men who can roll with the punches. Anyone who can't? You'll never get her attention.



Season 1

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