Curious George Season 1 Episodes

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Season 1 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Curious George Flies a Kite / From Scratch

Curious George Flies a Kite: A gusty morning at the country house leads George to experiment with aerodynamics. In the wind, birds soar, ping-pong balls roll, and bricks dont move at all. But the best thing of all for a windy day is a kite. George, with the not so willing assistance of Jumpy the Squirrel, discovers the wonders and the perils of kite flying. From Scratch: Gnocchi, the cat, is accused of scratching the booths in Chef Pisghettis restaurant. To prove Gnocchis innocence (and eat cannoli), George decides to mount an investigation. Using his scientific inquiry skills, he observes the differences between the scratches Gnocchi makes with her claws and the scratches left on the booth and shows that his friend was wrongfully accused.

Episode 2 - Curious George's Home for Pigeons / Out of Order

Curious George's Home for Pigeons: Compass may be a homing pigeon but sometimes he has trouble finding his way home. George decides to make him a place to stay on their balcony. After much experimentation, George creates a tree that the Man with the Yellow Hat might not recognize but in Compasss eyes is the perfect pigeon perch. Out of Order: When George sees a very nice lady leaving packages behind everywhere she goes, he figures she must be very forgetful. He decides to be helpful by gathering up all the packages for her. When Betsy explains to George that the nice lady is actually the mail carrier, they have to figure out a system to match the packages up with the correct address and return them fast!

Episode 3 - Zeros to Donuts / Curious George, Stain Remover

Zeroes to Donuts: When George learns about the meaning and power of zero, he is ready to test out his knowledge. The perfect opportunity arises when hes sent to the donut shop for one dozen donuts. But when he adds a couple of zeros, hes surprised to find out he got one hundred dozen. Now he has to figure out what to do with all those extra donuts before the Man with the Yellow Hat notices. Curious George, Stain Remover: George spills grape juice on the new rug, and needs to figure out a way to clean it up before the Man with the Yellow Hat returns! Too much soap and too much water make matters worse. With the help of the barnyard animals (and some simple engineering), George uses the Renkins water pump to clean up the mess.

Episode 4 - Buoy Wonder / Roller Monkey

Buoy Wonder: Today is a big day for Bill. Hes entering his boat in the Model Boat Show! But George discovers that the boat sinks and to keep Bills hopes for a prize afloat, he decides to build a new boat. After some trial and error, George finds out which building materials sink, and which float. Roller Monkey: A monkey on roller skates seems unlikely until Mr. And Mrs. Dulson ask George to wear a pair in front of their toy store to attract customers. Georges skating rolls out of control, so Hundley steps in to help. Soon George, Hundley, and even Gnocchi find themselves learning about momentum and inertia at a rapid downhill pace.

Episode 5 - Curious George On Time / Curious George‘s Bunny Hunt

Curious George On Time: After accidentally breaking Professor Wisemans cuckoo clock, George decides to explore the inside of the BIG library clock to see how it works. When the big clock stops working too, Mr. Reloj, the local clockmaker, comes to the rescue. With Mr. Relojs help, George discovers how to use various tools to make the clocks tick again. Curious Georges Bunny Hunt: In the country, George falls in love with neighbor Bills new pet bunnies. They are so irresistible that when Bill leaves to do his paper route, George just has to pet one. But as soon as he opens the bunny hutch they all escape. By following their footprints and careful counting, George restores order and returns the missing bunnies to their home.

Episode 6 - Curious George Takes a Job / Curious George Takes Another Job

Curious George Takes a Job: Following his nose, George sniffs his way to Chef Pisghettis Ristorante where he finds Gnocchi the cat being tormented by her enormous ribbon. While the Chef is cooking up a meal to tempt a restaurant critic, George and Gnocchi experiment with kitchen magic. They learn that when cooking, not everything becomes floppy like spaghetti and some things dont really belong in the pasta pot. Curious George Takes Another Job: After Georges success helping Chef Pisghetti impress the restaurant critic, the Chef suggests that George help his friend Mr. Glass wash the windows of his skyscraper - The Glass Palace. A perfect job for a little monkey! But maybe not a curious monkey because George cant help but be distracted by some amazing shadows he sees inside the windows.

Episode 7 - Curious George, Door Monkey / Curious George Goes Up the River

Curious George, Door Monkey: As lobby dog, it’s Hundleys job to keep everything in order. But when George finds some intriguingly shaped packages, the lobby is soon filled with tennis, bowling, and golf balls and a ton of empty boxes! George and Hundley scramble to put the balls back in the right size boxes before the ball-collector tenant comes to retrieve his packages! Curious George Goes Up the River: George is supposed to be feeding the ducks while the Man with the Yellow Hat helps Mrs. Renkins look for her lost baby chicks. But somehow "feeding the ducks" turns into a trip down the river for George and Jumpy. At first, its fun, but soon George and Jumpy realize theyre getting pretty far from home. With the help of some familiar landmarks, they make their way back safely- and the baby chicks find them!

Episode 8 - Curious George and the Invisible Sound / Curious George, a Peeling Monkey

Curious George and the Invisible Sound: While trying to record different animal sounds in the country, George discovers some amazing things about the dynamics of sound: the closer he gets, the louder the sound; the further away he is, the quieter the sound. Then he discovers one hes never heard before. He follows the direction of the sound throughout the house until he finds... a cricket?! How can something so small make such a big noise? Curious George, A Peeling Monkey: George really cant wait to see whats inside Professor Wisemans birthday present. Because hes a good little monkey, he leaves the present in one piece, but he distracts himself by "unwrapping" everything else around him. George learns that lots of things have covers, and for many different reasons. Even the bathroom walls are covered with wallpaper! But not for long.

Episode 9 - Curious George, Dog Counter / Squirrel for a Day

Curious George, Dog Counter: It's Dog Show Day! George and Professor Wiseman spend the day with all kinds of different dogs: big, small, hairy - and hungry. With the help of his sandwich, George tempts the winning dogs to follow him home to show The Man with the Yellow Hat. Once there, George cant keep track of all the dogs, so he and a worried Hundley come up with creative ways to sort and count the dogs in the apartment. Squirrel for a Day: When Bill shows George how Jumpy Squirrel stores his food in the ground, George decides this is a pretty good idea and tries to store all the food in the country house in the ground too. The Man with the Yellow Hat rescues their supplies and tries to explain that they should only put things in the ground if they want them to grow. That sounds like another great plan. George tries to see what else might grow - will car keys grow into a car? Will a rubber band grow into an inner tube?

Episode 10 - Curious George Discovers the Poles / Curious George Finds His Way

Curious George Discovers the Poles: George is thrilled when Bill asks him to look after his tadpoles. He conscientiously feeds them and even decides to give them a little vacation in the lagoon. But the tadpoles disappear and George worries that hes lost Bills pets forever. After weeks of searching, George is ready to give up hope, until he learns that the tadpoles havent vanished; theyve grown into frogs! Curious George Finds His Way: Hundley and George get locked out of the building in the back alley. While trying to find their way back in, they get hopelessly lost. To make matters worse, it starts to get dark. It isnt until they begin to hear some familiar sounds that they realize that with the combination of Hundleys sharp ears and Georges good memory of what theyd heard along the way, they can find their way home.

Episode 11 - Water to Ducks / Animal Magnetism

Water to Ducks: After a big rain, George is ecstatic to discover ducks swimming in a big puddle next to the country house. But the next day, the puddle starts to shrink and the ducks begin to fly away. How can George keep that puddle from evaporating so he and Jumpy can continue to play peek-a-boo with that cute baby duck? Animal Magnetism: On a mission to find refrigerator magnets to hang his newest masterpiece on the refrigerator, George learns a lot about magnets. His new knowledge comes in handy when he has to save his precious artwork from a giant magnetic crane at the junkyard.

Episode 12 - Doctor Monkey / Curious George, the Architect

Doctor Monkey: When George accompanies The Man with the Yellow Hat to Dr. Bakers office for his annual check-up, he discovers that a stethoscope is a pretty handy thing to have around when youre trying to solve a puzzle involving a mysterious sound. Curious George the Architect: Mr. Glass is building a new skyscraper in the neighborhood, and George and Gnocchi think that his construction site is more fun than a playground. George learns how bulldozers, cement mixers and jackhammers work, and why its not a good idea to let a monkey operate them.

Episode 13 - Zoo Night / Charkie Escapes

Zoo Night: George is so entranced by the new, adorable baby panda at the zoo that he stays through closing time and is accidentally locked inside. While trying to find the way out, he mistakenly opens a few wrong doors and finds himself surrounded by gorillas, giraffes, meerkats, and penguins! Now George has to use his map of the zoo to put all the animals back in the correct habitats before they wake up the baby panda! Charkie Escapes: Dog sitting Charkie is always a challenge but its especially difficult today when George really wants to practice his soccer kicks. Every time George comes up with a way of keeping Charkie tied up, Charkie comes up with a way of slipping out of her leash. It takes all of Georges problem solving skills to find a way to keep Charkie from running away - until George discovers that she likes playing soccer too.

Episode 14 - Curious Georges Rocket Ride / Curious George, Station Master

Curious Georges Rocket Ride: The International Space Stations food supply has run out and George is the only one who has the unique skills needed to fly the rocket and deliver the supplies. But George cant help but be curious about whats in those interesting looking containers. Before you know it, George has quite a mess to clean up before the supplies can be launched. Luckily, Georges experience with cleaning his room and his knowledge of how shapes fit together helps him get it all put away in time. Curious George, Station Master: George and The Man with the Yellow Hat offer to pick up Bill when his train comes in and when he gets there, Flint Quint, the Station Master shows George how he keeps the trains running smoothly and arriving on time. While Flint is eating lunch, George decides he wants to try his hand at being station master and pretty soon trains are off schedule and out of order and very confused. Mr. Quint comes to the rescue and they put the trains back in the correct number order before they reach the station.

Episode 15 - Curious George and the Dam Builders / Curious George's Low High Score

Curious George and the Dam Builders: George gets acquainted with a family of beavers when he notices the impact their dam has on his favorite pond. Building a dam looks like so much fun that George decides to build his own. But when a sudden downpour sweeps both dams away, George and the beavers have to figure out how to repair the damage together or their beloved pond wont be a good place for beavers or monkeys! Curious George's Low High Score: George cant understand why his high score of 257 isnt a winner when he plays his first game of mini-golf with Steve and Betty. How can a small number be worth more than a big number? After getting the lowdown on the principles of mini-golf, George is determined to get a low score next time, and so he builds his own mini-golf course for practice.

Episode 16 - Curious George Sees Stars / Curious George Gets a Trophy

Curious George Sees Stars: George is determined to count all the stars in the sky but he just cant stay awake long enough to finish. And when he goes back to the city its even more difficult - the stars have disappeared! Will George be able to come up with a system to keep track of his count? And exactly where do all the stars go when George goes to the city? Curious George Gets a Trophy: As a reward for helping him wash dishes at the restaurant, Chef Pisghetti gives George an ice cream sculpture in the shape of Gnocchi the cat. George really wants to show the Man with the Yellow Hat his new trophy, but the ice cream keeps melting! After a few melted dishes, George learns a whole lot about what happens to ice cream outside of the freezer.

Episode 17 - George Makes a Stand / Curious George Sees the Light

George Makes a Stand: To earn money for a new soccer ball, George decides to set up his own lemonade stand. With help from Betsy, the stand is such a success that there are too many customers and not enough lemonade. In the nick of time, George remembers a trick that the Doorman showed him - make two glasses out of one by dividing. All the customers are satisfied, and now all George has to figure out is how to explain to The Man with the Yellow Hat what happened to all his lemonade. Curious George Sees the Light: A new traffic light is installed on the country road and George decides that it would really work a lot better with a few adjustments. But Georges fixes dont have the desired effect - traffic gets backed up and even Jumpy cant get across the street to find his nuts! George has to work with Officer Quint to fix the light and get a better understanding of just what those red, yellow and green lights mean.

Episode 18 - Candy Counter / Curious George, Rescue Monkey

Candy Counter: Eating candy is easy, but counting and sorting it is much more difficult! George quickly learns this when he agrees to watch Cayleys candy counter for an afternoon. While trying to stack the chocolates into different shapes, they all fall over and George cant remember which candy is what! With help from a few customers, and a little sampling, George discovers how to sort the candies by color and shape. Curious George, Rescue Monkey: George is inspired to become a volunteer with the fire department when they help him to get his foot unstuck from a chair. He spends the day with Andie, Stig and Stew of Rescue Squad 86 and has fun trying out all the special fire fighting tools. But when Compass gets trapped at the museum, a little monkey ends up being the best tool for the job.

Episode 19 - The Truth About George Burger / Curious George In the Dark

The Truth About George Burgers: George accidentally loses a batch of Chef Pisghettis newest creation: Giardino Burgers. And they need to be delivered to the Firemans Picnic right away. Can George save the day by re-creating the Chefs recipe? Curious George in the Dark: Most of the time, George isnt afraid of the dark, but when he explores a mysterious cave, he decides that sometimes the dark can be a little scary. It doesnt get any better when a thunderstorm knocks the power out, and the country house is in the dark. But with the help of his trusty flashlight, George conquers his fears and even shows Jumpy how to have some fun with shadows.

Episode 20 - The Clean, Perfect Yellow Hat / Bee Is for Bear

The Clean, Perfect Yellow Hat: The yellow hat comes back from the dry cleaners so beautiful and clean that George cant help wanting to show it off to Compass the pigeon. But a little wind and an errant branch create a hole that needs to be fixed before The Man with the Yellow Hat comes home and finds it. Bee is for Bear: While exploring the country, George meets up with a baby bear and a stinging bee. No one believes that George has seen a bear, but they try to help George learn more about bees. It takes a helping hand from the baby bear to save the bunnies from the bees and to prove to everyone that George knows a bear when he sees one.

Episode 21 - Surprise Quints / Muddy Monkey

Surprise Quints: Its Mr. Quints birthday and everyone is helping with preparations for a surprise party. But Mr. Quint comes home early from his fishing trip so George is assigned the job of keeping him busy until its time for the party. The job gets even more complicated when four of Mr. Quints siblings arrive and they are all having the same birthday - could they be quintuplets? And can you keep five Quints happy with only twelve fish crackers to eat? Muddy Monkey: The Man with the Yellow Hat just cant figure out why George refuses to take a bath. What he doesnt realize is that George lost his favorite bath toy, Sproingy the Frog. And until George Finds Sproingy, all the shower games, car washes, and dog washes arent going to do a bit of good. Unless of course, the dog being washed happens to be playing with a very special bubble-making frog.

Episode 22 - Curious George Takes a Vacation / Curious George and the One That Got Away

Curious George Takes a Vacation: The Man with the Yellow Hat and George are off to the airport to start their vacation. When they get there, they discover that all the flights are delayed and theres a long wait ahead. But with sliding doors, moving sidewalks, luggage carousels and beeping carts, George decides that the airport is a great place to spend his whole vacation. Curious George and the One That Got Away: George and Mr. Quint discover a freshwater eel in the waters of Lake Wanasink Lake. When Bill finds out, he proposes a contest to see who can catch it first. George has no fishing pole so he makes one from things he finds around the house. Hes determined to catch the eel so he can set it free.

Episode 23 - Ski Monkey / George the Grocer

Ski Monkey: When a blizzard covers the country house with a foot of snow, George cant wait to get outside to play. But he soon learns that such deep snow isnt easy for a monkey to play in, until he learns how much fun it can be to ski, snowshoe and sled. George the Grocer: George really wants the toy oven he sees in the window at the toy store, but first, he has to find a job to earn money to buy it. Because neither Chef Pisghetti nor Mr. Glass need help, George decides to go to work at the Grocery Store. While George is pretty proud of the job he does helping customers, the grocer is pretty confused about who is causing such chaos in the aisles.

Episode 24 - Keep Out Cows / Curious George and the Missing Piece

Keep Out Cows: George loves Leslie the cow, but do she and her friends have to keep eating all those beautiful wildflowers that he wants to show The Man with the Yellow Hat? George works against time and the cows appetites to come up with a wall strong enough to save the flowers. Curious George and the Missing Piece: When George discovers a bone buried in the ground, hes convinced its got to be part of a dinosaur skeleton -- but which one? When none of the dinosaurs in the museum are missing a piece, George uses his best scientific sleuthing skills to match the bone to the animal. Is the bone from a completely new kind of animal? And why is Charkie always chasing after him to steal that bone anyway?

Episode 25 - Camping With Hundley / Curious George vs. The Turbo Python 3000

Camping With Hundley: George loves his very first camping trip so much that he wants to go again as soon as possible. But The Man with the Yellow Hat is just too busy so the Doorman volunteers to take George and Hundley in his fancy trailer with GPS, satellite dish and microwave. When a thunderstorm knocks out the power, George comes to the rescue by using his old-fashioned camping tools to help them make it through the rainy night and back home safely. Curious George vs. The Turbo Python 3000: George isn’t tall enough to ride the greatest rollercoaster of all time, The Turbo Python 3000. He uses licorice whips to measure his height and determines that he is 7-whips tall, one short of the 8-whip minimum! As he nibbles on his licorice, George looks for different ways to grow. His efforts seem to pay off when he measures himself again until he realizes that it’s not that his legs are longer, it’s that his stomach is fuller.

Episode 26 - Housebound! / Curious George Rides a Bike

Housebound: George learns the hard way about bones when he falls and breaks his leg at the museum exploring a dinosaur skeleton. A visit to the hospital, a cast on his leg, and a cane arent enough to keep George down, especially when Hundley steps in to help. Curious George Rides a Bike: George loves his new bike, especially because it gives him the chance to help Bill with his paper route. But he gets distracted by some ducks, makes some paper boats out of the newspapers and then, trying to fix his mistake, hits a big rock that bends his bicycle wheel out of shape. Can Mrs. Renkins find the right tools to help him fix his bike so he can find some dry papers, finish the paper route and keep his promise to Bill?

Episode 27 - The All-Animal Recycled Band / The Times of Sand

The All-Animal Recycled Band: George recruits Charkie, Gnocchi, Hundley and Compass to play in a band inspired by the firefighters at Rescue Squad 86. For instruments, George gets creative and uses keys, rice in a milk carton, a birdseed canister with rubber bands, and a pie tin. Now all he has to do is figure out a way to get two dogs, a cat and a bird to play music together. The Times of Sand: George and The Man with the Yellow Hat have a sand castle building contest at the beach. With the help of Bill and Momma Bunny, George builds a great castle and learns about how to avoid losing your castle to the incoming tide.

Episode 28 - The Elephant Upstairs / Being Hundley

The Elephant Upstairs: George hears a loud thumping sound coming from the ceiling of their new apartment and becomes convinced that the new upstairs neighbor has an elephant for a pet. When The Man with the Yellow Hat points out how unlikely that is, George decides to investigate further and comes to the conclusion that if its not an elephant, it must be a Galapagos Turtle who eats a lot of crackers, likes to wrap presents and uses a juicer. When they finally pay their new neighbor a visit, the real story is even more interesting than Georges theory. Being Hundley: George gets tired of being a monkey because monkeys have to clean their room, brush their teeth, and go to bed early. So he experiments with being a cat and a pigeon but decides that the best of all is to be a dog like Hundley. Hundley is not at all happy with this plan but doesnt manage to convince George that theres room for only one lobby dog at this apartment building. It takes an elevator getting stuck between floors to help George realize being a monkey can be pretty useful in a pinch.

Episode 29 - George Fixes Betsy's Wagon / Curious George Takes a Dive

George Fixes Betsys Wagon: George and Steve borrow Betsys wagon to pick up a package, but on the way they lose a wheel. To replace the wheel, they experiment with a piece of wood, some roller skates and baby carriage wheels. Can they find some way to keep that wagon rolling? And whats in that giant package? Curious George Takes a Dive: George makes friends with a turtle down at Lake Wanasink Lake but worries that because the turtle has no thumbs, its going to get a lot of water up its nose when it goes into the lake. The solution is to bring the turtle home and keep it in the bathtub. But the turtle is just not happy in the bathtub and when George brings home fish and weeds and frogs from the lake to keep it company, The Man with the Yellow Hat isnt very happy either.

Episode 30 - Unbalanced / Curious George vs. Winter

Unbalanced: The Amazing Balancing Zucchinis come to town, and George realizes that theres nothing he wants more in life than to be an acrobat. But before he can join the troupe, he needs to learn a lot more about balance and help save an allergic tightrope walker from a very determined cat. Curious George vs. Winter: Winter is closing in and George is miserable, how’s he going to survive without all the fun summertime activities he loves? When he decides to ignore the weather and play with his wading pool and his bubbles, he learns some interesting things about freezing and melting.

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