Beat Bugs

Beat Bugs TV Listings

Find out when Beat Bugs is on TV at the Australian TV Listings Guide

TV Show
11 MAR
08:30 am
Beat Bugs
I Am The Walrus / I'm A Loser

Walter tells Buzz the story of how he met the Beat Bugs. Then, Morgs the stick bug becomes sick of everyone mistaking him for a stick, but realises it has more benefits than he thought.

12 MAR
08:30 am
Beat Bugs
Come Together / Rain

When the Beat Bugs can't agree on whose house to play in, Crick builds an amazing tree house that everyone can enjoy. Then, Buzz learns you can make any situation fun...even rain!

13 MAR
08:30 am
Beat Bugs
Good Day Sunshine / Sun King

The bugs have to find a way of getting Mr Sun back before the whole village freezes! Then, Buzz goes on a journey of self-discovery to find she has the greatest talent of all.

14 MAR
08:30 am
Beat Bugs
Penny Lane / Birthday

When Crick feels as though no one notices him, the other Beat Bugs create a place where he can be the centre of attention. Then, it's Jay and Crick's birthday and a surprise party is in the works.

15 MAR
08:30 am
Beat Bugs
I've Just Seen A Face / Magical Myst

After Jay sees Julia's face up close, none of his friends believe his story. Then, the Beat Bugs meet an eloquent showman grasshopper with an offer of an amazing adventure.

16 MAR
08:30 am
Beat Bugs
When I'm 64 / Dr Robert

Jay gets a glimpse of what his life will be like in the future. Then, Buzz refuses to go see Dr Robert with her friends due to her fear of doctors.

17 MAR
08:30 am
Beat Bugs
Ticket To Ride / Getting Better

When the Beat Bugs build a carnival ride, only Kumi takes care of her ticket. Then, Crick builds a robot doctor to help care for his sick friends.

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