Arthur Season 11 Episodes

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Season 11 Episode Guide

Episode 1 - Swept Away / Germophobia

It's summertime! Arthur, D.W. and Buster are spending a few days at the beach where they discover the simple joys of building sand castles. Buster's friends have had enough of his sloppy habits. But they may have gone too far when Buster goes overboard to avoid germs!

Episode 2 - Arthur Sells Out / Mind Your Manners

Arthur is dying to buy a new video game, Revenge of the Moomies. He is even willing to sell his toys to buy the game! But will he lie about how great his toys are to earn enough money for the video game? The Tibble twins want to take their grandmother out to dinner to celebrate Grandparents day, but she'd rather stay home. Could their table manners have something to do with her turning down their invitation? Can the Tibbles learn to behave at the dinner table?

Episode 3 - Buenas Noches Vicita / Prunella Packs It In

Vicita Molina can't find her favorite book! No book.... no sleep for the Molinas. Will her favorite story ever be found or can Vicita and her friends find a way for her family to get back to sleep. Prunella finds out that colleges look for well- rounded students. Fearing she doesn't have enough to offer a prospective college, Prunella piles on the extra-curricular activities. But will she crack under the heavy load?

Episode 4 - Phony Fern / Brain's Dark Secret

Fern gets a cell phone. Will she let texting and constant phone calls get out of hand now that Muffy is her phone buddy? Brain is the smartest kid in his class. Everyone knows that! What they don't know is that he was kept back in kindergarten. That's a fact Brain would like to keep secret!

Episode 5 - Baby Kate and the Imaginary Mystery / Strangers On a Train

Nadine, D.W.'s imaginary friend is missing! No one has seen her for days! Baby Kate and Pal are on the case and they won't give up until they find their imaginary friend! Sue Ellen and her mom are taking the train to Crown City. But the train is not as spectacular as she had hoped. Will unraveling a mystery help Sue Ellen pass the time?

Episode 6 - The Making of Arthur / Dancing Fools

Matt Damon stars in this episode where he invites kids to send him video postcards to air on TV. Will he pick Arthur's entry? Mrs. Molina is a teaching a dance class for kids. Who would have guessed that George and Francine could be the next Fred and Ginger?

Episode 7 - Hic or Treat / Mr. Alwaysright

D.W. gets the hiccups but they won't go away. Will she ever get relief or will she have the hiccups for the rest of her life? Brain is always right and it's starting to get on Buster's nerves. He'll screw up eventually, and when he does, Buster will be waiting.

Episode 8 - Francine's Pilfered Paper / Buster Gets Real

It's almost Thanksgiving and Mr. Ratburn assigns a five page paper about the holiday. Francine copies and pastes hers entire report directly from the Internet. There's nothing wrong with that.... is there? Everyone is into the new supermarket reality show on TV...everyone except Arthur. When Buster stops watching Bionic Bunny to watch his new favorite show, Arthur fears their friendship is over.

Episode 9 - D.W. On Ice / Spoiled Rotten

D.W. tells her friends what a great skater she is. The truth is, she can barely stand on ice. With Emily's skating party coming up, will D.W. let her friends find out she lied? Realizing that her friends think she spoiled, Muffy goes out of her way to be the most charitable person around. But is she missing the point?

Episode 10 - Big Brother Binky, Pts. 1 and 2

Binky's family has decided to adopt a little girl from China. The thought of a baby sister makes Binky happy, until he realized there are some changes in store. Binky and his family travel to China to meet the latest member of their family. Soon Binky realizes that having a new baby in the house is harder than he thought.... but he also realizes that being a big brother has it's rewards too.

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