Find out what's on GO tonight at the Australian TV Listings Guide
Time |
TV Show |
12:00 am |
01:11 am |
Life After LockupBitter Baby Mamas & Bae-cations |
02:03 am |
The NannyKindervelt Days |
02:33 am |
The NannyCanasta Masta |
03:02 am |
BakuganBunch Of Misfits / Brawl Or Nothing |
03:28 am |
Beyblade XThe Mask And The King |
03:54 am |
Teen Titans Go!Trans Oceanic Magical Cruise / Polly Ethylene And Tara Phthalate |
04:20 am |
Ninjago: Dragons RisingBeyond Madness |
04:44 am |
Yu-gi-oh! SevensBattle Of The Band! |
05:08 am |
Care Bears: Unlock The MagicRise And Funshine/road Trip |
05:32 am |
Pokemon The Seriesl Sun & Moon - Ultra AdventuresDewpider Ascending! |
06:00 am |
HopNosey Friends/the Big Bounce |
06:30 am |
Bubble's HotelLuck Is In The Air/too Chicken To Fly/oodles Of Noodles |
07:00 am |
BakuganRules Are Boring / A Handful Of Gold! |
07:30 am |
The Actually Really Very Difficult ShowSt James Primary School |
08:00 am |
Beyblade XBeycrafter |
08:30 am |
09:00 am |
Care Bears: Unlock The MagicThe Incredible Shrinking Bears/finders Keepers |
09:30 am |
Yu-gi-oh! SevensDj G! |
10:00 am |
Ninjago: Dragons RisingWriters Of Destiny |
10:30 am |
11:00 am |
Teen Titans Go!Eebows / Batman's Birthday Gift |
11:30 am |
BakuganRules Are Boring / A Handful Of Gold! |
12:00 pm |
1:00 pm |
2:00 pm |
3:00 pm |
The Golden GirlsComedy Of Errors |
3:30 pm |
The NannyKindervelt Days |
4:00 pm |
The NannyCanasta Masta |
4:30 pm |
The Addams FamilyHappy Birthday, Grandma Frump |
5:00 pm |
BewitchedA Strange Little Visitor |
5:30 pm |
I Dream Of JeannieMy Master's Mother |
6:00 pm |
The Golden GirlsAll That Jazz |
6:30 pm |
The NannyThe Will |
7:00 pm |
The NannyThe Nanny Behind The Man |
7:30 pm |
9:30 pm |
11:30 pm |
Mr MayorTiti B |